AHAD to push intelligence-driven visibility solutions and services at GITEX 2021 – Intelligent Gitex
AHAD to push intelligence-driven visibility solutions and services at GITEX 2021

AHAD to push intelligence-driven visibility solutions and services at GITEX 2021

From left, Muneeb Anjum, CEO, AHAD, Rohan Daniel Nair, COO, AHAD and Ankit Satsangi, CTO AHAD.

Underlining its commitment to protecting businesses from the growing threat in the digital realm, AHAD, a cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, and risk management company, has announced that it will showcase use its presence at GITEX Technology Week to promote its next-generation intelligence-driven visibility solutions and services.

As part of its latest offering, AHAD will provide its customers with actionable threat intelligence to help them make informed decisions against threat actors to keep their organisation secure. The brand will also deliver insights on the hardest-to-reach corners of the threat landscape through its Threat Intelligence services that include Surface Web, Deepweb and Darkweb solutions.

With attack campaigns being deployed by everyone from state-sponsored hackers and organised crime empires to independent actors with black-ops tech and even amateurs with access to attack toolkits, organisations have their work cut out for them to keep their digital presence secure.

Muneeb Anjum, CEO, AHAD, said: “Intelligence-driven visibility provides security practitioners with unprecedented insight into and knowledge of, risks that their organisations are exposed to. With its predictive capabilities and real-time insights, AHAD’s Intelligence-Driven Visibility solution assists clients in the early detection and prevention of potential cyberattacks and data breaches, transforming their security posture from being reactive to proactive and, ultimately, predictive, thus defeating hackers at their own game.”

Ankit Satsangi, CTO AHAD, said: “Do you have visibility across 100% of the Internet? A question no organisation today can answer affirmatively. With the introduction of Intelligence-driven visibility, our objective is to help security practitioners gain extended visibility of their corporate data exposure, sale of network access, PII data etc. By leveraging actionable intelligence and mapping the external attack surface for early detection of potential cyberattacks and data breaches. This becomes even more critical as the UAE is on its way to introducing a Data Protection Law.”

Through the launch of its Digital Brand Protection Services at GITEX, AHAD aims to address the precise need-gap by making robust security solutions more accessible, affordable, and available to businesses.

Rohan Daniel Nair, COO, AHAD, said: “While most businesses believe that they are transitioning to faster, high-performance environments, they end up exposing their cybersecurity vulnerabilities that become more obvious when transitioning to more advanced platforms. During such transitions, while organisations are busy focusing on process- and technology-related changes, security issues are often overlooked, leaving hackers with free rein to exploit these vulnerabilities.”

Nair said: “This is where AHAD’s Digital Brand Protection Services step in. We have the tools, knowledge and expertise to offer fully managed intelligence, detection, and threat hunting solutions for organisations. By making these solutions available for a fraction of the cost it would take to develop and consistently upgrade cutting-edge security capabilities in-house, we are helping businesses of all sizes to become more cyber resilient and protect their digital brands,” he added.

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